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Draft review of import conditions for Brassicaceae crop seeds for sowing into Australia

Effective from 16 February 2018

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has released the “Draft review of import conditions for Brassicaceous crop seeds for sowing into Australia”. Brassicaceous crops are species in the Brassicaceae family which includes cabbage, cauliflower, kale, broccoli, turnip, bok choy, rocket, canola, watercress, wasabi and radish. 

The department now invites comments from interested parties on the technical aspects of the proposed risk management measures for seed-borne host species in the Brassicaceae family. In particular, comments are sought on the appropriateness of the proposed measures and any other measures that stakeholders consider to provide equivalent risk management outcomes. All submissions received on the draft pest risk analysis will be considered by the department in finalising this policy.

The draft policy and further background information is available on the department’s website.

You are invited to submit written comments online, by post or email, by 19 April 2018.

  • Have Your Say online: Online

  • Post your submission to:

Plant Sciences and Risk Assessment

Department of Agriculture and Water Resources

GPO Box 858


  • E-mail:

This review of import conditions for Brassicaceous crop seeds is the third in a series of vegetable seed policy reviews. The review of the vegetable seed pathway for a number of vegetable seed crops, including Brassicaceous crop seeds is funded under the Agricultural Competitiveness White Paper as part of strengthening biosecurity surveillance and analysis:

Vegetable seeds policy review

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