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Changes to the import conditions for returning Australian goods

Effective from 24 January 2018

What is the change?

The department has finalised a review of returning Australian animal and microbial goods.

As a result of the review, some changes have been made to import conditions.

These changes include:

  1. Simplify BICON decision tree into three main pathways, with import conditions publicly available. The option to apply for a permit remains.

  2. Provide standard permit conditions for returning Australian goods for human consumption that are in containers with Department of Agriculture and Water Resources seals intact.

  3. Remove the existing full unpack and inspect requirement for returning goods with seals intact. These goods will still be inspected to verify the original seals are intact and issued by the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources.

Further information
Please contact Animal and Biological Import Assessments Branch on 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: