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Reminder that NPPO approved arrangements for Xylella fastidiosa have not been developed

Effective from 21 July 2017

This alert applies to importers of plant material hosts of Xylella fastidiosa as other than tissue culture nursery stock from high risk Xylella fastidiosa countries.

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources (the department) wishes to remind importers not to certify nursery stock under NPPO approved arrangements for Xylella fastidiosa.

Plant material imported under a NPPO approved arrangements for Xylella fastidiosa will not to be released or cleared under current BICON import conditions for this pathway.

  • There are currently NO high risk countries which have been recognised or accepted by the department as a NPPO approved arrangement for Xylella fastidiosa nursery stock for other than tissue culture consignments.

  • Departmental officers have been advised to contact the Import Services Team (IST) for all other than tissue culture imports from high risk Xylella fastidiosa countries with the following Phytosanitary Certificate additional declaration:

    “Plant material in this consignment was produced under an arrangement approved by the National Plant Protection Organisation in accordance with Australian requirements. Plant material in this consignment was tested by PCR and found free of Xylella fastidiosa as indicated on laboratory test report number [insert number/code].”


  • Xylella fastidiosa is an invasive bacterial plant pathogen that causes significant environmental and economic impacts. Many commercial and ornamental plant species can be killed by this bacterial pathogen.

  • Importers are reminded of the detrimental impact this bacterial plant pathogen’s introduction into Australia could have on Australia’s industries.

  • In the event that the NPPO for a high risk country wishes to be assessed and recognised as an approved arrangement for Xylella fastidiosa, the NPPO should be advised to contact the Department of Agriculture and Water Resources in writing.


  • Plant Import Operations intend to apply BICON content changes to the published import conditions which will highlight that NPPO approved arrangements for Xylella fastidiosa have not been developed.

  • Plant Import Operations intend to apply variations to current impacted import permits which will highlight that NPPO approved arrangements for Xylella fastidiosa have not been developed.

  • Impacted import permit holders will be issued an intention to vary notice.

  • Further, future import permits for other than tissue culture host plant material from high risk Xylella fastidiosa countries will only contain import conditions for NPPO approved arrangements for Xylella fastidiosa in the event that plant material is assessed as being imported under this arrangement.

The department will continue to monitor the status of Xylella fastidiosa and will notify importers and departmental officers of any decisions or proposed changes to import conditions for plant material Imported under a NPPO approved arrangement for Xylella fastidiosa.

Xylella fastidiosa high risk countries are:
All countries in the Americas including the Caribbean, all countries in Europe, India, Iran, Lebanon, Taiwan, and Turkey.

All other countries not specified as a high risk country are considered low risk countries.

Families which are hosts of Xylella fastidiosa:
Please refer to appendix 3,

Further information
Enquiries related to the emergency measures can be submitted via email to (please title your email with ‘Xylella emergency conditions’) or by phone on 1800 900 090.

This Alert applies to the following Cases: