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Revised import conditions for Dried Fruit to take effect 19/07/2017

Effective from 4 July 2017

Revised import conditions for Dried Fruit to take effect 19/07/2017

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources advises importers, customs brokers and regional officers that the import conditions for Dried Fruit for human consumption have been revised. Revised conditions will take effect from 19 July 2017.

What is changing?

  1. All species of dried fruit may be imported under standard conditions without the need for an import permit.

  2. Import conditions for seeds, seed with pods and pods only can be found in the following BICON cases:

    Seeds and seeds with pods - Seeds for Human Consumption (various cases)
    Pods without seeds - Dried herbs

  3. The following BICON cases will be removed and their conditions absorbed by the Dried fruit BICON case:

    Dried Prunus spp. fruit for human consumption

    Dried pome fruit for human consumption

    Dried kiwifruit for human consumption

  4. The following genera will maintain their own separate BICON cases:
    Dried banana – Banana for human consumption, in-vitro or processing

    Dried grapes – Dried grapes for human consumption

    Dried dates and doum – Dried dates or doum for human consumption

    Dried Ziziphus – Dried and whole Ziziphus spp. for human consumption

All other dried fruit conditions are outlined in the BICON case Dried fruit.

Background to the revised conditions

As part of a systematic review ( of all Australia’s import conditions which is being conducted over the next three years, the department recently reviewed dried fruit for human consumption import requirements from all countries. It found commercially prepared drying methods and the end use of human consumption sufficiently mitigate the potential biosecurity risk posed by this commodity. These commodities can be managed under standard conditions without the need for an import permit.

Clients wanting to know more about the changes and information on the import conditions review can email

For general inquiries on the import conditions for dried fruit for human consumption, please email or phone 1800 900 090.

This Alert applies to the following Cases: