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Changes to the legislation for bee products

Effective from 23 December 2016

Changes to the Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Non-prohibited Goods) Determination 2016 regarding honey and bee products

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has finalised changes to the Biosecurity (Prohibited and Conditionally Non-prohibited Goods) Determination 2016 to include additional requirements for honey and bee products that enter, or are unloaded in, Western Australia.

The legislative changes are effective from 21st December 2016 and require additional government certification to accompany consignments of honey and bee products that enter, or are unloaded in, Western Australia.

The details about the additional requirements are available in BICON. Stakeholders should check BICON prior to importing to Australia.

For more information please contact Biological Imports at

This Alert applies to the following Cases: