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Changes to the import conditions for rawhide

Effective from 15 February 2017

The department has finalised a review of rawhide as part of the review of 'Animal trophies, articles and handicraft items'.

As a result of the review the following changes will be made:

  1. Streamlined import conditions for rawhide goods.

  2. Conditions for rawhide products currently found in 'Animal trophies, articles and handicraft items', 'Horse equipment' and 'Returning Australian products' will be moved into a single new 'Rawhide' BICON case.

  3. A simplified permit application process.

  4. Consistency between the import requirements and the legislation e.g. permit exemption for up to 10 rawhide items.

Further information
Please contact ABIAB Import Conditions Review team on 1800 900 090 or

This Alert applies to the following Cases: