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Xylella emergency conditions for nursery stock

Effective from 10 February 2016


The import conditions contained in this BICON case are in the process of being updated to include the announced emergency quarantine measures for Xylella that will impact nursery stock and tissue cultures.

Before applying for an import permit:

  1. please ensure that you are familiar with the alert content (accessible at:

  2. please note that timeframes for permit issuance for plant species in this BICON case may exceed 20 business working days as a result of the changes required to import permit conditions. It is fully anticipated that once this BICON case has been updated to reflect the revised import conditions, permit issuance timeframes will return to 10-20 working days.

This notice will be removed when the BICON case has been updated with the revised import conditions.

This Alert applies to the following Cases: