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Implementation of changes to import conditions for prawns and prawn products for human consumption

Effective from 30 August 2023

From 30 October 2023, the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry will begin implementing changes to the import conditions for prawns and prawn products for human consumption, in accordance with the recommendations of the Review of the biosecurity risks of prawns imported from all countries for human consumption.

Changes to import conditions include:

  • All cooked and uncooked prawns and prawn products (excluding dried prawns and shelf stable prawns) must be frozen.
  • Whole uncooked prawns must be free from additional pathogenic agents as recognised by Australia through an official assessment.
  • Cooked prawns must be cooked at a minimum core temperature.
  • Labelling requirements have been strengthened.

Changes to import conditions for peeled prawns (including breaded, battered or crumbed prawns, and highly processed prawns) will only be applied to import permit applications received on or after 30 October 2023. Permit applications received prior to this date will continue to receive the current import conditions, and existing import permits will not be varied to reflect the new conditions.

Import permit holders of whole uncooked prawns will be contacted ahead of 30 October 2023 to notify them of the variation to import conditions.

Changes to import conditions for cooked prawns will not be implemented on 30 October 2023, however government certificates will be renegotiated to reflect the enhanced import conditions ahead of this time. As such, cooked prawns may be imported into Australia with either the existing or the new certificate statements for cooked prawns. Importers will be advised in advance of the implementation of changes to import conditions.

No changes have been made to the dried prawns, composite products containing dried prawns, and shelf-stable prawn and prawn products (including retorted prawns) conditions.

BICON notices will be released ahead of 30 October 2023 advising importers of the changes to import conditions.

Who does this alert affect:
Importers of prawns and prawn products for human consumption, brokers and departmental staff, Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessment and Inspections.

Further information:
Please see the review of prawn and prawn products.

Alternatively contact the Animal and Biological Imports Branch on 1800 900 090 (option 1, option 1) or email with the subject line to include ‘Biologicals T2’.

This Alert applies to the following Cases: