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Changes to dairy permits and the dairy application form

Effective from 24 November 2021

The department has amended the way dairy permits are issued, these changes include the following:

The dairy application form has also been enhanced with the following:

  • The inclusion of a permit date picker. This allows importers to select a date (up to 3 months in advance) if they would like their permit forward dated e.g. to align with the expiration of an existing permit.
  • Updates to formatting have been made to assist in correct charging for dairy products (1 x category 2 assessment fee per 5 products) and guide importers to enter 1 product per line for up to 5 products. If additional products are required the form will prompt importers to add another assessment fee line for the next 5 products, this can be done multiple times. This should limit the number of requests for additional fees made after applications have been submitted and prevent over charging.
  • The option to nominate additional end uses have been included e.g. human consumption, human therapeutics, human cosmetics, product evaluation, etc.

Permit variations:
Unfortunately permit variations requests to use the new enhanced dairy permit capabilities cannot be granted for permit applications submitted prior to 24 November 2021. If you would like to use the enhanced capabilities described above please submit a new permit application. Normal variations to permits issued before 24 November 2021 can still be submitted.

Who does this notice affect:
Importers of dairy and Pathway Operations Cargo - Assessment.

Further information:
Please contact the Animal and Biological Imports Branch on 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: