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Chrysanthemum x morifolium for use as nursery stock imported under the Naktuinbouw scheme

Effective from 6 June 2022

The department has conducted an operational review of Chrysanthemum x morifolium nursery stock conditions as part of our routine processes to ensure existing requirements remain fit for purpose.

The review has identified that the current additional declaration requirements for Chrysanthemum x morifolium nursery stock, sourced under the Naktuinbouw (NAKT) scheme in the Netherlands, are more stringent than those in place for plants sourced from unapproved sources.

As a result of the review, the department will decommission the NAKT approved sources scheme on 15 June 2022.

What will be changing:
The decommissioning of the NAKT approved source pathway will result in consignments no longer requiring accompaniment by the following additional phytosanitary certificate declarations:

1. The mother stock must be indexed and found free from Chrysanthemum viruses. The stock must originate from a source accredited by the Naktuinbouw (NAKT) scheme and must be free from any bacterial or fungal infection and any other contamination of quarantine concern.

To demonstrate compliance with this requirement you must present the following on a Phytosanitary certificate:

The additional declaration "Mother stock was indexed and found free from Chrysanthemum virus B, Chrysanthemum Aspermy virus, Chrysanthemum Stunt viroid and Chrysanthemum Chlorotic Mottle viroid."

The additional declaration "The material is free from Chrysanthemum White Rust and Liriomyza spp."

Note: The NAKT certificate must be cross referenced to the Phytosanitary certificate.

2. Detailed information must be provided on the plant material imported from the Naktuinbouw (NAKT) scheme.

To demonstrate compliance with this requirement you must present the following on a NAKT certificate:

The grade of the plant material (E, EE, or SEE), the quantities of each variety of cuttings or tissue cultures; and the number of cartons/packages.

The proposed changes will not affect other import conditions and certification requirements for Chrysanthemum x morifolium nursery stock, such as the additional declarations required to manage the risk of Xylella species. However, Chrysanthemum x morifolium (and relevant synonyms) will be moved into the ‘Ornamental virus hosts and Xylella fastidiosa hosts for use as nursery stock’ BICON case.

To keep updated on import conditions for Chrysanthemum x morifolium nursery stock, please subscribe to the ‘Ornamental virus hosts and Xylella fastidiosa hosts for use as nursery stock’ BICON case using these instructions.

Import permits:
Affected import permits for Chrysanthemum x morifolium nursery stock sourced under the NAKT scheme in the Netherlands will be varied by the department, at no cost to permit holders.

Who does this alert affect:
Importers of Chrysanthemum x morifolium as nursery stock, customs brokers and departmental staff.

Further information:
Contact Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Alert applies to the following Cases: