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Advice on updated conditions for Medicago sativa (seed for sowing) imported from the United States

Effective from 28 August 2015

1. Updated scientific name

What has changed?

The department has updated import conditions to reflect the new accepted name for Verticillium species causing wilt of lucerne. The conditions have changed from listing ‘Verticillium albo-atrum’ to ‘Verticillium alfalfae’.

What is the impact?

For import permits issued prior to 18/6/2015, the department will accept phytosanitary certificates presented that list the old name ‘Verticillium albo-atrum’.

For import permits issued on or after 18/6/2015, phytosanitary certificates must be presented with the new scientific name ‘Verticillium alfalfae’.

2. Removal of seed test

What has changed?

Current post entry procedures for Medicago seed from the United States requires testing for Verticillium alfalfae using two methods approved by the department;

‘Sheppard and Needham’s wash test’ or the ‘California seed test’.

The option of the ‘California seed test’ as a method for testing the detection of Verticillium alfalfae on medicago seed has been removed, as it contains a chemical no longer used in Australia.

What is the impact?

Medicago seed may only be tested using the ‘Sheppard and Needham’s wash test’. Existing import permits will continue to list both seed testing options of ‘Sheppard and Needham’s wash test’ OR ‘California seed test’, however in practice the ‘California seed test’ will not be available to clients.

For more information

Please contact the Department of Agriculture

Phone: 1800 900 090


This Alert applies to the following Cases: