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New BICON case for highly processed tallow derivatives

Effective from 21 July 2021

The department has published a new BICON case for highly processed tallow derivatives for all end uses (excluding stockfeed).

The new case includes import conditions for:

  • highly processed tallow derivatives listed by the department
  • goods containing listed highly processed tallow derivatives (with or without plant extracts/oils) as the only ingredients of biological origin.

Importers now have the option to apply for a standard permit where goods they intend to import are compliant with standard conditions. Please note: additional information (e.g. product names, approved arrangement sites) cannot be considered during assessment of an application for a standard permit.

If standard permit conditions cannot be met, an application for a non-standard permit will need to be submitted by the importer. Links to other BICON cases for non-standard permits are included in the new case.

Highly processed tallow derivatives, such as glycerol, fatty acids, stearates and salts, are processed using trans-esterification or hydrolysis at 200°C for at least 20 minutes under pressure and saponification with 12M sodium hydroxide (95°C for at least 3 hours for batch processing or 140°C under pressure for at least 8 minutes for continuous processing).

Who does this alert affect:
Importers of highly processed tallow derivatives and goods containing highly processed tallow derivatives and department staff.

Further information:
Contact the Client Contact Group Canberra on 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: