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Removal of two plant commodities from the Compliance-Based Intervention Scheme (CBIS)

Effective from 17 September 2021

The department will be removing two commodities from the Compliance-Based Intervention Scheme (CBIS), due to poor pathway performance. This change is scheduled to take effect on 21 September 2021.

The following commodities will be removed:

  • Fresh blueberries for human consumption grown in New Zealand
  • Chilled durian segments for human consumption grown in Thailand.

These commodities will no longer be eligible for risk-based intervention and will return to 100% intervention levels. The department will continue to monitor pathway performance and may consider reinstating commodity access to CBIS pending improvements.

Further information:
For additional information you can email Plant Import Operations Branch at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Alert applies to the following Cases: