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Risk assessment process changes for bulk, animal-derived palatability enhancers for petfood end use

Effective from 17 August 2021

The Animal and Biological Imports Branch (ABIB) has changed the risk assessment process for bulk, animal-derived palatability enhancers. Applicants may be asked to provide information about how they can ensure that the goods they import are used only for the production of pet food (e.g. dog food, cat food).

The way that biological goods are used once they are imported into Australia can have a significant impact on the underlying level of biosecurity risk associated with those goods. This is why it is important for biosecurity officers to ensure that there are adequate controls in place to prevent repurposing of imported palatability enhancers for high-risk end uses e.g. stockfeed production.

Biosecurity officers will apply conditions to import permits to manage this repurposing risk where it is possible to do so. This may include directing imported goods to a particular Class 3.0 (Processing) approved arrangement site for use in pet food production only.

An import permit will not be issued for goods where the risk of imported animal-derived palatability enhancers being fed to Australian livestock cannot be managed.

This enhanced ABIB risk assessment process has commenced and will be applied to permit applications under assessment effective immediately.

Who doe this alert affect:
Importers of bulk, animal-derived palatability enhancers.

Further information:
Contact the Animal and Biological Imports Branch through the department's Client Contact Group in Canberra on 1800 900 090 or

This Alert applies to the following Cases: