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Mandatory pre-shipment methyl bromide fumigation for fresh kiwifruit from France and Italy

Effective from 29 June 2021

Fresh kiwifruit from France and Italy now requires mandatory pre-shipment methyl bromide fumigation. The goods will require evidence on accompanying phytosanitary certificates that they have been fumigated at an approved schedule.

Alternatives to methyl bromide fumigation, effective against identified pests and submitted by France and/or Italy, will be considered by the department.

Please also see the Industry Advice Notice, published on 11 June 2021 or relevant BICON case/s from 12 July 2021.

Who does this alert affect:

  • importers, growers and suppliers of fresh kiwifruit grown in France and Italy
  • MAAFF (France) and MiPAFF (Italy)
  • Assessment Services Group and Inspections Group.

Further enquiries:
For additional information you can email Plant Import Operations at or phone 1800 900 090.

This Alert applies to the following Cases: