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Revised schedule and update on the implementation of the urgent actions for khapra beetle

Effective from 17 May 2021

The purpose of this notification is to provide stakeholders with an update on the implementation of the khapra beetle urgent actions, including:

  • a revised schedule for implementing the khapra beetle phases
  • the consideration of alternative treatment options for Phase 3
  • the implementation of Phase 6A.

Who will be affected by these changes?

Stakeholders in the import and shipping industries—including vessel masters, freight forwarders, treatment providers, Biosecurity Industry Participants, importers, customs brokers, principal shipping agents, and any other operators in the sea container supply and logistics chain or in plant import industries.

What is changing?

The revised implementation schedule is below.

Urgent action phase

Implementation date

Phase 1: Ban on high-risk plant products within UPEs and low value freight

Commenced 3 September 2020

See: BICON Alert

Phase 2: Ban on high-risk plant products within accompanied baggage or via international travellers or mail articles.

Commenced 15 October 2020

See: BICON Alert

Phase 3: Revised phytosanitary certification and new offshore treatment requirements for high-risk plant products via all commercial pathways

Expected to commence in August 2021

Phase 4: Revised phytosanitary certification and new offshore treatment requirements for other risk

Progression of this work is on hold

Phase 5: Phytosanitary certification requirements for all seeds for sowing

Progression of this work is on hold

Phase 6A: New measures for target risk sea containers

Measures for target risk containers that are packed with high-risk plant products commenced on 12 April 2021.

See: BICON Alert

Measures for target risk containers that are packed with other products and will be unpacked in a rural grain growing area will commence on 12 July 2021 (i.e. for containers exported on or after this date).

Phase 6B: New measures for high-risk sea containers

Expected to commence late 2021

Alternative treatment options for Phase 3

We recognise that heat treatment or methyl bromide fumigation may not be feasible for some goods imported under Phase 3. As such, we are considering alternative treatment options for goods impacted by Phase 3. We are engaging with peak industry bodies on alternative treatment options. Additional information on any alternatives identified will be published on our website closer to implementation.

Implementation of Phase 6A

We recognise that some of the treatment requirements implemented under Phase 6A may be new to industry. As such, where a treatment certificate is provided with the sea container but does not meet all our requirements as detailed on our website, we will work with treatment providers over the next 8 weeks to improve their understanding of these requirements and where appropriate, facilitate the import of goods within impacted containers.

Where can I get further information?

For further information, see:

For all enquiries regarding these measures, please email (please title the subject line of the email with ‘Plant Tier 2 – khapra urgent actions’).

This Alert applies to the following Cases: