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Tariff descriptions for imported pork products

Effective from 14 December 2020

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) undertook a review of pork products imported into Australia, and found that goods entered under the below tariffs did not include a description of the goods (e.g. pork, chicken, beef, fish).

Tariff code and description

Product details

1601 Sausages

16010000 Sausages

1602 Other prepared meat

16022000.03 Liver, prepared

16029000.49 Meats, other, prepared

When entering the goods into the system, please ensure you enter the description of the goods. If it is a composite product (e.g. pork and chicken sausage), please state this in the description. This will assist the department with identifying the products and help determine the import conditions that apply.

Who does this alert affect:
Importers and brokers of animal products such as sausages, other prepared meat, glands and other organs.

Further Information:
Please contact Animal and Biological Imports on 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: