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Proposed update of non-salmonid marine finfish risk species lists for human consumption and baitfish

Effective from 7 November 2020

This notice is to inform industry that the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment is proposing to implement import conditions for various non-salmonid marine finfish species imported into Australia for human consumption and baitfish use.

The changes are proposed following the completion of a departmental review of the risk species lists for non-salmonid marine finfish for human consumption and baitfish on BICON (risk species lists). Further information is available in Biosecurity Advice Notice 2020-A07 and Industry Advice Notice -189-2020.

Stakeholders are invited to provide comments on the proposed changes to the risk species lists (including the changes that have already been made) by 29 January 2021.

The department will carefully consider all submissions before finalising any changes.

Who does this alert affect:

This notice is of interest to importers of non-salmonid marine finfish and associated industry participants and retailers.

Further Information:

Please contact Animal and Biological Imports on 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: