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Publication of ‘Risk Background: Stock feed, stock feed ingredients and stock feed additives’

Effective from 8 October 2020

The Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment (the department) has published a Risk Background for stock feed, stock feed ingredients and stock feed additives. This document outlines factors that contribute to the underlying level of biosecurity risk associated with stock feed imports into Australia. It also provides a summary of risk management measures that the department takes into consideration during an import permit application.

Who does this alert affect:
Importers (and their customs brokers) who wish to import stock feed, stock feed ingredients and stock feed additives into Australia, and department staff.

Imports of stock feed present a high level of biosecurity risk as there is a direct pathway for potential contaminating infectious agents to enter Australia’s livestock industries. The assessment of this biosecurity risk, resulting from an import permit application, is often complex, taking many factors into consideration.

By publishing this Risk Background, the department is providing stock feed importers with information to help them submit permit applications for products that will result more often in a favourable outcome.

Further information:
Please contact the Animal and Biological Imports Branch on 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: