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Updates to list of approved sources of Taiwanese Phalaenopsis spp. nursery stock

Effective from 9 July 2020

Effective immediately, the list of approved sources of Phalaenopsis spp. nursery stock from Taiwan has been updated as follows:

  • Approval of the grower Abundance Biotechnology Co., Ltd (50-AP-014) and its greenhouse 50-AP-014-01.

  • Approval of the grower Chuang, Min-Li (70-AP-013) and its greenhouse 70-AP-013-01.

  • Approval of the grower Ho Xin Biological Technology Co., Ltd (50-AP-015) and its greenhouse 50-AP-015-01.

  • Approval of the grower Tai-Ling Biotech Inc. (70-AP-014) and its greenhouse 70-AP-014-01.

  • Approval of the grower Yu Pin Biological Technology Co., Ltd (50-AP-016) and its greenhouse 50-AP-016-01.

The current list of approved sources of Phalaenopsis spp. nursery stock from Taiwan can be found on the departments website.

Importers need to ensure consignments of Phalaenopsis orchids are sourced from an approved grower and greenhouse on the list.

Who does this alert affect:
Importers of Phalaenopsis spp. nursery stock from approved sources in Taiwan.

When will the changes take effect:
Effective immediately.

Further information:
Enquiries related to these changes can be submitted to Plant Import Operations via email to

This Alert applies to the following Cases: