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Update to Listed Human Diseases to include human coronavirus

Effective from 18 March 2020

Departmental officers, importers and industry are advised that import conditions are being amended to reflect a recent update to the Listed Human Diseases for the import of:

  • Diagnostic test kits

  • Human fluids and tissues

  • Genetic material (nucleic acid and their derivatives) excluding plants and plant pathogens

  • Microorganisms and infectious agents (and derivatives)

  • Cell lines.

Who does this notice affect:

Importers of the above goods, Assessment Services Group.


This change is the result of the recent inclusion of human coronavirus with pandemic potential in the Listed Human Diseases, as amended under the Biosecurity (Listed Human Diseases) Determination 2016. This is necessary to manage the risk posed by COVID-19 as it is a human communicable disease and may cause significant harm to human health. Instead of listing the individual Listed Human Diseases in permits, the new condition will state that Listed Human Diseases are human diseases listed under the Biosecurity (Listed Human Diseases) Determination 2016, which is published on the Federal Register of Legislation (the Listed Human Diseases are also published on the Department of Health’s website).

In addition to the above, the following changes are also being made to the import conditions on the permits:

  • Replace references to gamma irradiation with ionising radiation. This doesn’t change the existing condition, but broadens it to allow other sources of radiation (other than gamma).

  • Administrative changes to remove duplications and provide clarity to the import conditions. These will not change the intent of existing import conditions.

Import Permits:

Import permits that refer to the Listed Human Diseases will be varied on or after 18 March 2020. The new conditions will take effect from the date the new import permits are issued. Goods arriving in Australia must be accompanied by valid import permits and the new conditions must be complied with from the date the new import permits are issued.
Import permit holders have been (or will soon be) contacted directly regarding any required permit variations. If you hold one of these import permits and have any questions or concerns, please send an email to (Attention to the Laboratory and Human Tissues Program).

Further information:

Please contact the Laboratory and Human Tissues Program on 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: