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Acceptance of NAL purity analysis certificates from approved laboratories for pelleted seed

Effective from 31 October 2019

The department has amended the import conditions for pelleted seed for planting and will now accept purity analysis certificates from the following approved NAL laboratories:

Testing laboratory



Bejo Zaden B.V.

Trambaan 1, 1749 CZ Warmenhuizen, Netherlands


Enza Zaden Beheer B.V.

Haling 1 E, 1602 DB, Enkhuizen, Netherlands


Monsanto Holland B.V.

Leeuwenhoekweg 52, NL – 2661 CZ Bergschenhoek, Netherlands


Rijk Zwaan Production B.V.

Burgemeester Crezeelaan 40, 2678 KX De Lier, Netherlands


Who does this notice affect:
Importers of pelleted seed for planting, Assessment Group and Inspection Group

In a review of import conditions for pelleted seed it was identified that in addition to ISTA Orange International Certificates, NAL Certificates will be accepted as evidence that a seed lot has been sampled in accordance with ISTA methodology and tested for purity prior to exporting to Australia.

The biosecurity risk associated with contamination in imported seed consignments include: soil, live insects/snails, seed species that have been assessed as a weed risk, unidentified seeds, fungal mycelium (sclerotia), animal faecal matter and plant material. Importers can refer to the department’s webpage for ‘Seed contaminants and tolerance tables’ for further information on assessing seed analysis certificates.

Import Permits:
Import permits have not been varied to reflect changes, any importer who has concerns about their existing import permit, may request a variation of their import permit. Please contact the department via email at (Please include the following in the title of the email –“Pelleted seed- NAL Certificates” – Plant T2”).

Further information:
Please contact Plant Import Operations on 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: