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Notification of moist heat treatment delays in Australia

Effective from 24 April 2019

Who does this notice affect:
This notification is to advise importers and brokers of potential delays with third party approved providers that undertake moist heat treatment in Australia.

The Department of Agriculture and Water Resources has been advised that there are delays for goods directed for moist heat treatment (Approved arrangement class 4.1) in Australia.

Moist heat treatment is regularly directed for a range of seeds for human consumption as a biosecurity measure to devitalise the seed (i.e make it incapable of germination). Additionally, moist heat treatment can be directed where a consignment is detected with seed contamination.

To avoid potential on arrival treatment delays, importers may elect to have seeds tested (germination testing) onshore or offshore where the importer believes the imported seed is not viable.

For consignments detected with seeds contaminants, seed cleaning at an approved facility may be an option (though there are limited providers in Australia), otherwise moist heat treatment will be required. To avoid potential delays, importers should ensure consignments are free of seed contamination. Contamination can be determined through offshore ISTA sampling and analysis (refer to conditions in BICON for full ISTA requirements).

Import Permits
Should importers/brokers elect to use germination testing option, this must be listed as condition on the import permit (Except for Gulong tribute millet that does not require an import permit). If this option is not listed, please submit a permit variation to the department through BICON.

Further information:
Please contact 1800 900 090 or email

This Alert applies to the following Cases: