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Import Conditions

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Non Commodity
Non commodity conditions apply to all packaging, containers and transport methods used to bring goods into the country. Refer to the Non Commodity case to review the non commodity conditions related to your import.

Showing 1 - 10 results of 117

Packing materials and packaging of plants

Effective 19 October 2021 to 25 November 2021

This case describes the requirements for the importation of packing materials and packaging of plants.

Matched term: Packing, materials, packaging, plants, material

Plant material embedded in a solid medium

Effective 19 October 2021 to 24 November 2021

This case describes the requirements for the importation of plant products that are embedded in a solid medium. Plant material embedded in plastic includes plant materials, wood or bamboo that have been fully embedded (that is, not capable of free movement) in a solid medium that is impervious to air and liquid. Plant or plant parts with soil attached are permitted, providing the soil is fully embedded. Acceptable embedding media include catalysed hard plastics and hard silicones, fibreglass, resin, or similar compounds which have been fully sealed around the plant material using heat, moulding or chemical processes. Plant material embedded in plastic does not include plant materials, timber or bamboo that have been surface coated with a laminate, lacquer, paint, stain or items that have been wrapped in other materials. It further does not include engineered or impregnated wood or plant products such as plywood, veneer, compressed agricultural waste/wood products and reconstituted wood or wood plastics.

Matched term: Plant, material, materials

Plant pathogens, plant-related microorganisms, fungi and genetic material for research Changes

Effective 19 October 2021 to 24 November 2021

This case applies to live cultures of plant-related microorganisms including plant pathogens, plant material infected with plant pathogens, fully preserved plant pathogens, and nucleic acid (DNA, cDNA, RNA) extracted from plant-related microorganisms including plant pathogens such as viruses, viroids, fungi, stramenopiles, and bacteria. Conditions for import, including any biosecurity containment requirements, are generally determined through a case-by-case assessment of the biosecurity risk associated with the imported material as well as the proposed end use.

Matched term: Plant, material

Plant material for research purposes Alerts Changes

Effective 20 October 2021 to 30 October 2021

This case describes the import requirements for not knowingly infected live plant samples, whole seed samples and other plant samples (e.g. processed or preserved samples) imported for research purposes. Plant material for research purposes may require containment in an approved arrangement site (e.g. laboratory or glasshouse). The required level of containment is determined by assessing the biosecurity risk associated with the imported material as well as the proposed research activity. Plant material that has undergone a department approved preservation method offshore may be released from biosecurity control. Alternatively, treatments can often be applied on arrival to allow the imported plant material to be released from biosecurity control (e.g. gamma irradiation treatment). Treatment options will vary depending on the type and form of plant material. An appropriate treatment option will be determined during the permit assessment.

Matched term: Plant, material

Timber and bamboo packaging

Effective 19 October 2021 to 24 November 2021

This case describes the import conditions for timber and bamboo packaging material that is imported as a commodity (is not being used to support goods in international trade). For timber or bamboo packaging which is supporting goods in international trade, please refer to the Non-Commodity Cargo Clearance BICON case.

Matched term: packaging, material, materials, Packing

Low risk genetic material for in vitro and/or in vivo use in plants and/or laboratory organisms Changes

Effective 26 October 2021 to 24 November 2021

This case describes the import requirements for the importation of low risk genetic material for in vitro use and/or in vivo use in plants. This includes characterised DNA, nucleic acid preparations, individual genes, low risk synthetic genetic material, and genetic material which has been cloned in approved vectors or microorganisms.

Matched term: material, plants

Genetic material (nucleic acids and their derivatives) excluding plants and plant pathogens Alerts

Effective 26 October 2021 to 9 November 2021

This case describes the requirements for the importation of genetic material (including vectors) excluding plants and plant pathogens.

Matched term: material, plants, plant

Plant DNA or RNA

Effective 19 October 2021 to 24 November 2021

This case describes the import requirements for plant DNA or RNA. The plant DNA or RNA must be derived from healthy plants, not infected or suspected to be infected by a plant pathogen, and extracted by a department approved method.

Matched term: Plant, plants, material

Permitted plant fibres Changes

Effective 19 October 2021 to 9 November 2021

This case describes the requirements for the importation of the majority of articles made out of plant fibres for all uses other than as animal foods, fertilisers, landscaping or for growing. This case includes import conditions for coir fibre liners for hanging baskets. For coir peat and coco peat products please see the Coir peat case. For banana fibre articles please see the Banana fibre articles case. For articles containing flowers and foliage please see the Dried or preserved flowers and foliage case. This case does not apply to imports for use in landscaping and weed suppression, for these imports please see the Geotextiles for bioremediation case. This case does not apply to imports of flexible plant fibre fabrics (consisting of a network of natural fibres made through weaving, knitting, spreading, crocheting or bonding). For these imports please see the Plant based fabric, textiles or yarn case

Matched term: plant, material

Biodegradable plant pots and urns

Effective 19 October 2021 to 24 November 2021

This case describes the requirements for the importation of biodegradable plant pots for use as fertiliser and biodegradable urns for human, or animal, remains.For coir fibre liners for hanging baskets, please see the Permitted plant fibres case.For urns containing human remains or animal remains, please see the Human remains or Cremated animal remains case.For coir peat plugs, inserts and pots for use as a growing medium, please see the Coir peat case.These biodegradable plant products can be made from rice husks, sphagnum, wood pulp and other plant materials that pose a biosecurity risk. Biodegradable plant products must be manufactured in a way that will reduce the biosecurity risk or be subject to mandatory treatment.These conditions do not apply to urns made from bioplastics such as starch derivatives or cellulose.

Matched term: plant, materials