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Case: Cucurbit seed for sowing requiring testing for plant viruses Effective 01 Oct 2019 to 31 Oct 2019

This case contains a number of different import scenarios with associated import conditions. You can refine the import scenarios by answering the questions below.

What is the species of seed being imported?


The Cucurbit species in this BICON case are hosts to a combination of high risk viruses and fungi. Below outlines the groups that this case has been split into:

Citrullus lanatus requires mandatory testing for cucumber green mottle mosaic virus (CGMMV), kyuri green mottle mosaic virus (KGMMV), zucchini green mottle mosaic virus (ZGMMV) and melon necrotic spot virus (MNSV).

Cucurbita pepo requires mandatory testing for cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, kyuri green mottle mosaic virus and zucchini green mottle mosaic virus.

Cucumis melo (and related synonyms) require mandatory testing for cucumber green mottle mosaic virus, melon necrotic spot virusĀ and treatment for the fungi that causes black rot (Phomopsis cucurbitae).

Cucumis sativus requires mandatory testing for cucumber green mottle mosaic virus and kyuri green mottle mosaic virus.

Cucurbita moschata, Lagenaria siceraria, Trichosanthes cucumerina requires mandatory testing for cucumber green mottle mosaic virus.