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Import Conditions

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Case: Fresh mustard stick, betel leaves and paan leaves (Piper betel) for human consumption Effective 04 Dec 2020 to 05 Dec 2020

Import Conditions

Import conditions define the biosecurity requirements which must be met for your import. Where import conditions have been developed, they will be listed below.

  1. These import conditions apply to the following fresh produce for human consumption:
    Mustard stick, betel leaves and paan leaves (Piper betel).

  2. A Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment import permit is not required.

  3. Prior to export, the plants or plant products must be inspected or tested by the National Plant Protection Organisation (NPPO) and certified free from biosecurity pests.

    To demonstrate compliance with this requirement you must present the following on a Phytosanitary certificate:

    The declaration "This is to certify that the plants, plant products or other regulated articles described herein have been inspected and/or tested according to appropriate official procedures and are considered to be free from the quarantine pests specified by the importing contracting party and to conform with the current phytosanitary requirements of the importing contracting party, including those for regulated non-quarantine pests."

  4. An original phytosanitary certificate must accompany each consignment.

  5. Information

    Consignments that have a phytosanitary certificate which is not correctly endorsed, or where the original phytosanitary certificate has not been sighted by the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment will be held pending presentation of a correctly filled out and original phytosanitary certificate. The department will accept appropriately amended or re-issued phytosanitary certificates (including faxed or scanned copies transmitted directly to the department from the certifying authority).

  6. The goods must be clean and free of biosecurity pests and disease, contaminant seed, soil, animal and plant debris and other biosecurity risk material prior to arrival in Australian territory.

  7. Only leaves and inflorescence stalks (mustard stick) are permitted entry.

  8. Each consignment of goods must be packed in clean and new packaging.

  9. Each consignment must be secured (i.e. made insect-proof) prior to shipment to maintain its quarantine integrity on arrival using a secure packaging option.

  10. Consignments up to 2 kg (both for personal and non-personal use) are acceptable through international airports with passengers or the mail centre and must be 100% inspected on arrival in Australian territory.

    For consignments arriving through the mail centre or airports which exceed 2 kg (net weight), the goods must be directed for inspection by the Department at an approved arrangement site, at the importer’s expense.

  11. All consignments are subject to inspection on arrival to verify compliance with import conditions before release.

  12. Land-bridging of consignments under biosecurity control is not permitted without permission from the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment. Air and sea underbond movement of consignments for inspection at the port of destination is permitted.

  13. If live insects of biosecurity concern are detected the consignment will require treatment (where appropriate), or be exported or disposed of. Any required action will be at the importer’s expense.

  14. If disease symptoms are detected the consignment will be placed on hold and an assessment of the biosecurity risk will be made by the department to determine the options available to the importer. Options may include release, further identification, treatment, export or disposal.

    Further identification may not result in the release of the goods and may incur substantial additional costs and time delays for the importer. Further identification will only be offered if it is deemed feasible and the importer agrees in writing to accept all costs and risks involved.

  15. If contaminants (e.g. seeds, trash, soil, feathers) are detected and determined to be of biosecurity concern, the consignment will require remedial action to remove or treat the contaminants, and will require re-inspection. If the contaminants cannot be effectively removed or treated, the consignment must be exported or disposed of. Any required action will be at the importer's expense.

  16. Under the Biosecurity Charges Imposition (General) Regulation 2016 and Chapter 9, Part 2 of the Biosecurity Regulation 2016, fees are payable to the Department of Agriculture, Water and the Environment for all services. Detail on how the department applies fees and levies may be found in the Charging guidelines.

  17. In addition to the conditions for the goods being imported, non-commodity concerns must be assessed including container cleanliness, packaging and destination concerns, and may be subject to inspection and treatment on arrival. Please refer to the Non-Commodity Cargo Clearance BICON case for further information.

  18. Once biosecurity requirements have been met, it is the importer's responsibility to ensure that all imported food complies with the Imported Food Control Act 1992 including Australia New Zealand Food Standards Code. Consignments of food may be referred for inspection and analysis under the Imported Food Inspection Scheme to verify compliance. Some foods, such as beef and raw milk cheese, are not permitted to be imported without government certification.

What happens next?

When you are importing into Australia a departmental officer will assess the risk posed by your import and determine the appropriate outcome to apply. You may use the link below to view the likely outcomes for this particular import scenario. Please be aware that the assessment conducted may result in an outcome that is not listed.

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