Import Conditions
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Case: Cork and cork products Effective 17 Dec 2024
Import Conditions
Import conditions define the biosecurity requirements which must be met for your import. Where import conditions have been developed, they will be listed below.
Goods classified under chapters 44 and 45 that are manufactured in, or exported as sea cargo from the BMSB countries* are subject to seasonal measures. These goods are subject to additional phytosanitary measures if they are shipped between 1 September and 30 April (inclusive). This is in order to manage the risk of brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) contamination on the import pathway.
Importers will need to consider logistics to meet both the commodity import conditions and import conditions specifically for BMSB management. Importers may wish to meet both the commodity and BMSB treatment requirements with one treatment. To achieve this, importers that choose to treat their commodity offshore with heat, sulfuryl fluoride, or methyl bromide under the commodity conditions (if available) should ensure that their treatment provider is registered with the department to perform the treatments for BMSB management and that their goods are exported within the specific BMSB management timeframe after treatment.
Please refer to the Seasonal measures for Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) webpage.
A Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry import permit is not required.
The goods must be clean and free of contaminant seed, soil, animal and plant debris and other biosecurity risk material
prior to arrival in Australian territory.
Any packaging used with the consignment must be clean and new.
Please note that timber related products that have been previously exported from Australia and are then imported to Australia after processing are classed as foreign and are subject to meet the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry import requirements.
The department will release the goods once all of the import requirements have been met.
Under the Biosecurity Charges Imposition (General) Regulation 2016
and Chapter 9, Part 2 of the Biosecurity Regulation 2016
, fees are payable to the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry for all services. Detail on how the department applies fees and levies may be found in the Charging guidelines
In addition to the conditions for the goods being imported, non-commodity concerns must be assessed including container cleanliness, packaging and destination concerns, and may be subject to inspection and treatment on arrival. Please refer to the Non-Commodity Cargo Clearance BICON case for further information.
Seasonal measures apply to certain goods manufactured in, or shipped from target risk countries as sea cargo, to manage the risk of Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) contamination. These goods must meet import requirements if they are shipped between 1 September and 30 April (inclusive). These measures are in addition to existing import conditions that may also apply to the commodity risk of the goods. Please refer to the Brown marmorated stink bug (BMSB) hitchhiker pests BICON case for those specific import conditions.
What happens next?
When you are importing into Australia a departmental officer will assess the risk posed by your import and determine the appropriate outcome to apply. You may use the link below to view the likely outcomes for this particular import scenario. Please be aware that the assessment conducted may result in an outcome that is not listed.
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